- Herbs and Spices -
Traditional Asian Foods and Foodways in Modern Society
13 Aug 2023
Dear Participants,
The 13th Asian Food Conference is going to be held in Bangkok next Thursday(17th) and Friday(18th). The conference has brought together over 120 registered delegates representing 22 countries and regions. The event features four keynote speakers from Thailand, China, Japan, and the United States, along with ten panel sessions. On the theme of herbs and spices, the conference includes 62 presentations about history, ethnic economy, cultural exchange, rituals, aesthetics, eco-ethics, foodscapes and food education.
Meanwhile, in response to the expanding trend and societal demands in food studies, the Asian Food Study Confederation will be officially announced during the opening ceremony. This initiative has been years in the making, thanks to the collaborative efforts of food scholars engaged in the Asian Food Study Conference. We hope for the sustained support of those who will carry on this legacy and shape the direction of food studies, ultimately contributing to the advancement and dissemination of food culture in Asia and around the globe.
We are looking forward to sharing the flavor and wisdom with you at the conference.
- Herbs and Spices -
Traditional Asian Foods and Foodways in Modern Society
August 17-18 2023 (Thursday, Friday, Bangkok time)
Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel (online via Zoom meeting)
Address: 2 Charoen Krung Road Soi 30, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University
Committee of Asian Food Study Conference
Ritsumeikan Research Center for Gastronomic Arts and Sciences (RCGAS)
Zhejiang Merchant Institute of Zhejiang Gongshang University
Chinese Food Culture Institute of Zhejiang Gongshang University
President: ZHAO Rongguang
Rotating President: Ritirong Jiwakanon
Committee Director: ASAKURA Toshio
Committee Member: Pram Sounsamut, Seubpong Changboonchu
WANG Si, LI Na, LIU Zhengyu, LI Jiansheng, SU Xianhua
Date Time Agenda
Aug 16
Wed. 15:00–17:00 Arrival of delegates in Bangkok. ZOOM Testing
18:00–19:30 Buffet(optional)
Aug 17
Thu. 8:00–9:00 Registration. Log in zoom.
9:00–9:30 Opening Ceremony: remarks, declaration of the establishment of Asian Food Study Confederation, group photo
9:30–11:30 Keynote speeches
11:30–13:00 Lunch buffet
13:00–14:55 [Invited Speeches] Herbs and Spices in SEA Food Culture
15:15–17:00 [Panel A1] Thai Food and the Rice Civilization of SEA
[Panel B1] Herb and Spice in ASIA (1)
18:00–19:30 Reception Dinner at Thara Thong Restaurant(optional)
Aug 18
Fri. 8:30–10:30 [Panel A2] Spices, Herbs and Food Ethics
[Panel B2] Herb and Spice in ASIA (2)
10:45–12:00 [Panel A3] Herbs and Spices in the Modern Kitchen
[Panel B3] Herb and Spice in ASIA (3)
12:00–13:00 Lunch buffet
13:00–15:00 [Panel A4] Tradition and Fusion on the Table of Chinese
[Panel B4] Herbals in Rituals and Local Knowledge
15:15–17:00 [Panel A5] The Taste of Japan in the World Food Cultural Exchange
Round-table Meeting of Asian Food Study Confederation
17:10–17:25 Closing Ceremony: Suiyuan Book Award; Closing remarks.
18:00–19:30 Dinner Party at Siam Tea Room @Asiatique(optional)
※Time schedule is based on UTC +7. To get more detail you may read the form below (end of this page).
Payment link for online non-student participants:
Participant In China→ Please review the Chinese version of Notice II.
Participant out of China→ https://asianfoodstudy2023.peatix.com/
* For participants (including students) traveling to the Bangkok venue, kindly arrange your own visa, round-trip tickets, and hotel accommodations.
The conference will provide Lunch, coffee and tea during the meeting. The Reception Dinners on the 17th and 18th are exclusively for invited guests. Participants who wish to attend the dinner will need to pay by themselves. Dinners are optional for those who have already made online reservations by 8/9 (Wed). Payments should be made in cash to the Committee.
If you wish to attend the dinner, please find more information on the restaurant's website provided below.
Dinner of 16 Aug at Praya Kitchen, Marriott Bangkok Surawongse.
International buffet https://www.prayakitchenbangkok.com/
Dinner of 17 Aug at Thara Thong Restaurant, Royal Orchid Sheraton.
Thai Set (with small Thai Cultural show)
Dinner of 18 Aug at Siam Tea Room @Asiatique, Thai Set
1. The organizing committee will send the test link and conference link and password to the registered delegates' email on August 14th.
2. Please take the online test on the 16th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm (Bangkok time). Otherwise contact us as soon as possible to arrange an alternative time.
3. When you log in, kindly update your Zoom name to [your name (affiliation)] so that the host can easily identify you.
4. Upon logging in, you will be automatically placed in the Main Room. Click the language bottom to switch between English, Chinese and Japanese channels. Shift to the English Room for Penal B1-B4, which will not be interpreted.
5. For online participants, please make sure you have stable internet. Once you log in the Zoom meeting, please follow the Zoom meeting procedure: First, please select your language channel (the globe icon at the bottom) and better stick to it; Second, please mute your speaker unless you receive an unmute invitation from our host. If you got disconnected during the presentation, please log in again or contact any of our conference assistants. (Note: If any of you wants to use your second foreign language to deliver your speech or ask questions in Q&A session, please remember your language channel should be the same as the language you are trying to use.)
6. All delegates in Bangkok are strongly encouraged to bring their own mobile devices and earphones to use as receivers for simultaneous interpretation. Please ensure your mobile devices are on silent mode, connected to the hotel Wi-Fi, and always mute your speaker.
7. The Thai Institute of Chulalongkorn University is responsible for the Invited Speeches and Panel Sessions B1-B3. Each presentation in these sessions will have a duration of 20 minutes. Panel A1-A5&B4 is managed by the Chinese Food Culture Institute of Zhejiang Gongshang University and the Ritsumeikan Research Center for Gastronomic Arts and Sciences (RCGAS). Presentations in these panels must be completed within 15 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session for the entire group after all presentations are finished.
8. To ensure seamless simultaneous interpretation, we kindly request multilingual speakers to maintain their presentations in a single language.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at asianfoodstudies@outlook.com (English, Japanese and Chinese are available).
Our website is https://www.asianfoodstudyconference.com/
You may follow our page on Facebook @ AsianFoodStudyConference